
MEDITATION (Be happy with nothing and you will be happy with everything)

As per hallowed writings Nepal is where the Hindu divine beings and antiquated rishis have been coming to ruminate and unwind for a great many years.  For todays guests there are a lot of chances to encounter reflection sessions in Nepal. You can join a withdraw in a religious community or private focus and practice the treaching that have illuminated such a large number of or discover a peacefull spot close to one the celebrated blessed spots like Boudhanath or Swayambhunath.  It is trusted that reflection revives one's vitality level and enthusiasm, subsequently its prominence. It has picked up a following worldwide and is educated in many parts of the world. A reflection course will enable you to unwind and investigate the profound side inside yourself. There are many specific focuses offering contemplation courses. Some of these organizations give convenience and nourishment alongside the classes while others just give classes.  Contemplation has increased monstrous p

Highest Paid Nepali Actress

Nepali film has been thundering off on the advances of performers, on-screen character and newcomers. An all around scripted storylines and appealing cinematography sparkles off on imitating abilities and leads unto blockbuster film. Be that as it may, Nepali film isn't customizably reasonable for performing artist and on-screen character on the premise of installments. Some way or another, Nepali performer is souring up their exceptional character parts dissimilar to a similar princess in mask pretends.  Here's the rundown of most generously compensated Nepali on-screen character. 5. Rekha Thapa A capable Nepali performing artist, Rekha Thapa has ruled film industry with more than 200 motion pictures. She claims Rekha Entertainment and creates the greater part of the Nepali motion pictures from it. She began with Rs 30,000 for her first kollywood film. Presently, she holds a charge of Rs 5 lakhs for every motion picture she plays. 4. Shristi Shrestha

Top 5 paid actor of Nepal

The Nepali silver screen is regularly known as Kollywood. Nepali movies are like Bollywood styles. Nepal's initially film was begun with D.B.Pariyar's Satya Harischandra delivered from Kolkata, India. Despite the fact that the Nepali movies are just viewed by Nepalese it has incredible significance in Nepal. To influence the film to hit both on-screen character and story has its fundamental part. What's more, there are bunches of capable Nepali Actors who have won the core of individuals by their extraordinary execution.  There are some most generously compensated performing artists in Nepal. They are sorted by the cash they are paid for their execution done in motion picture. What's more, they are: 1. Anmol kc. Anmol KC is one of the well known on-screen character and maker in Nepal. He is renowned for his attractive face. The vast majority of his fans are female. He is known for his appearances in sentimental motion pictures. His everything of the films are

यस्तो छ भाइरल भिडियो ( Beest Production )

युवतीलाई एकोहोरो माया गर्ने युवकले आफ्नो मनको कुरा नृत्य शैलीमा भनिरहेका छन् । मनको याद भाईरल भएको भन्दै युवतीको पछि पछि ति युवक देखिन्छन् । गीतमा आठ बर्षिया दीक्षा ठकुरीको मनोरञ्जक नृत्य समेत छ । स्वर, शब्द तथा संगीत मानस राजको रहेको यस गीतको भिडियोलाई सबिन कार्की ‘बिस्ट’ले तयार पारेका छन् । सबिनको लोभलाग्दो नृत्यसँगै उनि आँफैले निर्देशन तथा सम्पादन समेत गरेका छन् । प्रयोग गर्न रुचाउने सबिनले यस भिडियोमा पनि कथा तथा उत्कृष्ट नृत्य प्रस्तुत गरेका छन् । यस गीतका एरेन्जर उदय राज पौडेल हुन् । धादिङ्की आठ बर्षिया दीक्षाले यसै भिडियोबाट नृत्यसँगै अभिनय शुरु गरेकी हुन् । उनले यसअघि केहि गीतका कभर भिडियोमा नृत्य गरेकी थिइन् । भिडियो रिलीजसँगै दीक्षाको प्रतिभाको तारिफ गरिएको छ । गीतका गायक, रचनाकार तथा संगीतकार मानस राजले लेखेको ‘पिरतीको छाता ओढाउँला’ बोलको चलचित्र ‘रेशम फिलिली’को गीत निकै चर्चित बनेको थियो । त्यस्तै, चलचित्र ‘डायरी’को चर्चित ‘माया माया’मा मानसको शब्द तथा संगीत थियो । मानसले रचना गरेका पचास बढि गीतहरुमा मोहन भुसाल, सनुप पौडेल, हेमन्त राना, काली प्रसाद बास्कोटा, अल्मोडा

‘लुट २’ पनि पाइरेसी, फेसबुकबाट बाहिरियो पुरा फिल्म

चर्चाका अनि राम्रो विजनेस गर्दै आएका धेरै नेपाली फिल्महरु पछिल्लो केहि बर्षयता पाइरेसीको मारमा पर्दै आएका छन् । ‘पशुपतिप्रसाद’, ‘कोहिनुर’ देखि ‘छक्का पञ्जा’ विगतमा यसको पछिल्ला उदाहरण बने । अब भने गत बर्ष रिलिज फिल्म ‘लुट २’ पनि पाइरेसिको मारमा परेको छ । पुरा फिल्म फेसबुकमा अपलोड भएको छ । समाजिक सञ्जाल फेसबुकमा ‘वाच भिडियो अनलाईन’ नामको एक पेजमा यो फिल्म चरणगत रुपमा अपलोड भएको छ । तीन दिन पहिले अर्थात नोभेम्बर ६ र ७ तारिखमा यो फिल्म फेसबुकमा अपलोड भएको देखिन्छ । जहाँ ‘लुट २’ का चार वटा फुटेज समेटिएका छन । फिल्मलाई डिजिटल तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रदर्शनको अधिकार प्राप्त संस्था डिजिटल कम्पनि ‘हाइलाइट्स नेपाल’को वाटरमार्क सहित नै अपलोड गरिएको छ । ३ घण्टा लामो फुटेजलाई लाईभ गरिएको छ भने टुक्रा गरेर पार्ट वान भनिएकोमा ४८ मिनेट र दोश्रो पार्ट भनिएकोमा १ घण्टा लामो फिल्म फेसबुकमा अपलोड गरिएको छ । जहाँ पचास हजार बढिले हेरिसकेका छन् । विदेशमा प्रदर्शनको लागी पठाईएको कपी बाहिरिएको अनुमान लगाईएपनि फिल्म कहाँबाट र कसले ‘लिक्ड’ गर्यो खुलेको छैन् । यो विषयमा बुझ्दा ‘हाइलाईट्स नेपाल’ले

How HIV and AIDS is caused and its symptoms

What is HIV and AIDS? HIV is the infection that causes AIDS. It harms your invulnerable framework, making it less demanding for you to become ill. HIV is spread amid sex, however condoms can help ensure you. HIV and AIDS is a serious infection. HIV remains for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It's an infection that separates certain cells in your resistant framework (your body's safeguard against illnesses that encourages you remain sound). At the point when HIV harms your insusceptible framework, it's simpler to become truly ill and even pass on from contaminations that your body could ordinarily ward off.  HIV can influence anyone — around 1 million individuals in the U.S. are living with HIV, and more than 41,000 new diseases happen each year. The vast majority with HIV don't have any manifestations for a long time and feel thoroughly fine, so they won't not know they have it.  When you have HIV, the infection remains in your body forever.

Miss Nepal Nikita Chandak - Contestant Indroduction for Miss world

"Origin of the light of Asia, a messenger of peace - Lord Buddha; home of the Living Goddess and the Amazon of Asia. A nation where eight out of fourteen most noteworthy pinnacles lie. Home to seven UNESCO assigned world legacy destinations. A nation whose exceptional non-rectangular banner is raised by grinning and inviting 30 million individuals originating from various considerations and societies. Namaste, world; this is Nepal and I am Miss World Nepal 2017 Nikita Chandak Maheshwari".